Risk Disclosure

No Advice

EQPay will not offer you any advice or provide you with any recommendations regarding the suitability of any particular transaction and we will not assess the suitability of transactions that you may make. Whilst we may from time to time provide you with factual information about transactions, this information is not, and should not be interpreted as, advice, and any decision to submit transactions is made solely by you.

Currency Risk

Changes in exchange rates may adversely affect the value of any of your currency balances. If you are in any doubt as to which currency to select you should seek independent professional financial advice.

Volatility Risk, Market Fluctuations and Monitoring your Positions

You should be aware that the currency market may be volatile and factors can change rapidly and unexpectedly which may affect the value of your currency balances and/or transactions.

Technical Risks

Whilst we will try to ensure that the services provided by EQPay are available to you without interruption, we cannot guarantee that our services will always be available to you. Where the EQPay systems are unavailable we may not be able to process transactions and you may not be able to review your currency balances.


You should be aware that various tax regimes may apply to your transactions depending on your personal tax status and the rules and regulations in force from time to time. You have the sole responsibility of determining the relevant tax impact to your transactions and you should consult an appropriate professional advisor if you have any questions or doubts in this regard.

Legal and Regulatory Changes

Changes to current legislation and regulations could give rise to changes in the price, availability or processing of your transactions. The impact of such legal and regulatory changes can be material and unexpected, and may impact certain companies, markets and jurisdictions more than others.